Last month, we showed you the new Titleist AP1 and AP2 irons, and now the brand has unveiled two new blade models – the 712 MB and Titleist 712 CB Irons
- that have been engineered to suit the needs of pure ball strikers.
TheTitleist 712 MB Irons and CB models follow on from the impressive 710 irons that launched back in 2009, and they’ve already been widely-accepted on Tour with a number of wins before they’ve even hit the stores.
Titleist, by their own admission, haven’t sought to reinvent the wheel with the redesigned Titleist 712 MB Irons and CB models and instead have tweaked what were already very impressive offerings.
Both models feature a Tour-preferred satin finish that reduces glare and accentuates the top-line profile for easier alignment and confidence at address, while the compact nature of the head will aid workability.
The MB model has an improved sole design which gives less resistance through the turf – perfect those players who like to pick the ball neatly off the deck. The CB model features a slightly wider-sole which favours golfers who are more aggressive through the grass. TheTitleist 712 CB Irons, as suggested by the name, also features a shallow cavity.