If you happen to be an athlete, or even a ordinary guy, your sport would probably ask for a minimum vertical leap and / or jump, acquiring powerful legs for swimming, running, beach volleyball, football, but mainly basketball. In any case, to look for an awesome vertical training program is not a simple task, I know that because I tried that in the past!
I was once a young basketball player growing up, but now I play the sport for fun at home and with friends. But even though it was simply for fun, I still desired to have a massive vertical jump like Spudd Webb and Nate Robinson, considering the fact that I’m only 5-ft, 10. So I decided to do my own little workout at home and to be honest, I had gain a fair amount of vertical jump; I could dunk with one and two hands making use of both feet. But yet that still failed to give me the results I wanted. I started browsing over the Internet for the best vertical training program out there. On a regular basis I would see if there was a program that might give me what I required. This went on for some time, but I wasn’t successful.
And there came a day. I was shooting some hoops with a friend of mine and out of nowhere, this short person (he was most likely about 5-ft, 4) comes up to us and asks if he might play one-on-one with one of us. My friend and I looked at one another and began laughing, cause was he a little midget in our eyes, yet he challenged us to a short game. So I just said, "Okay, I’ll take you on!"
With a simple smile, he agreed to play. But I was in for the biggest revelation of my life! As soon as I had given him the ball, he speedily sprinted towards me( I was right underneath the basket), and instead of going for a charge, he jumped right over me and slammed the ball with a two-handed jam! I and my friend were actually thunderstruck! We had certainly not seen anything at all like that before!
Before I could say anything, the guy handed me the ball, smiling saying, "Now that was a nice game, wasn’t it?" And he began to walk away. I instantly came to my senses and arisen and ask him how did he get to jump so high. He only said two words to me and said, "Jump Manual". Now I was even more speechless cause I didn’t know what he meant by saying that. That night I searched for the phrase "Jump Manual" and I found the answer what I needed all these years!
I eventually purchased the Jump Manual and, well, I’ll just say this. I went from a little wannabe dunker to a fanatical dunk expert that made everyone’s jaw drop. The Jump Manual was the very best discovery I had ever made, and if I didn’t play that the guy, I would have been completely worse off. (I have wanted to thank that guy, but after that day, it’s like he just disappeared.)
I, as well as others people who have used the Jump Manual, are living testimonies of the program. All over the world people have done great things and have gone professional in their athletic career. People keep on saying how fantastic I fly in the air, even little children come up to me asking how I get to jump so high. I impart them with some exercises that don’t harm them, because they are kids.
If you had to look for the top ten vertical programs on the web, you would discover that the Jump Manual is THE number one program that's HOT right now. Why I didn’t find this out earlier I have no idea.
Who is the person behind the Jump Manual? None other than world know trainer and coach Jacob Hiller. Who is he? Well…
Jacob Hiller has trained high school, college, NBA, and Olympic athletes, and professional dunkers. He has been developing vertical jump explosion techniques for over ten years and training coaches and athletes to maximize their potential. He has consistently helped athletes to gain 40 plus verticals.
There are only a few tools that I trust to further improve my vertical training, but Jacob I trust 100%. He lays everything down in a simple, straightforward manner that any body who can read can do it. He shows what exercises to do, when to do it, what not to do, what to eat, how to prevent future injuries and many more. But just to make one point clear; he is not some nobody that had this brilliant idea to make a vertical program and just jumble some stuff together and hope that it sells well. But I stand down for that trash talk; because he is not a spammer, as some people think he is, but he is really a vertical training coach. He is a world wide known trainer and he has been featured on ESPN, Fade Away, and Men’s Health.
If you want to give the give the Jump Manual a try, then I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. I hope you can achieve the unbelievable results and accomplish your goals like did.