


順位 選手名 スコア優勝 佐伯 三貴 -7
2 申 ジエ -6
3 吉田 弓美子 -3
4 アン・ソンジュ -2
5 有村 智恵 0
諸見里 しのぶ 0
ジョン・ミジョン 0
8 横峯 さくら +1
9 服部 真夕 +2
10 シン・ヒョンジュ +3



スタジオアリス女子オープン 最終日◇8日◇花屋敷ゴルフ倶楽部 よかわコース(6,483ヤード・パー72)>















1位:笠りつ子 (21,880,000円)
2位:李知姫(イ・チヒ) (19,260,000円)
3位:イ・ボミ (17,330,666円)
4位:全美貞(ジョン・ミジョン) (15,829,166円)
5位:斉藤愛璃 (14,400,000円)
6位:佐伯三貴 (13,385,428円)
7位:カン・スーヨン (11,996,500円)
8位:アン・ソンジュ (11,930,000円)
9位:服部真夕 (10,617,833円)
10位:茂木宏美 (10,089,165円)

13位:横峯さくら (8,328,000円)
34位:有村智恵 (3,000,000円)


3日目は中止が決定 54ホールの短縮競技に


順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 3日目◇8日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の3日目は、雷雨のためスタート時間が遅れていたが11時15分に中止が決定。54ホールの短縮競技となった。






順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11


TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 3日目◇7日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の3日目は、朝から降り続いた雷雨のため4度に渡りスタート時間を変更して回復を待ったが、結局スタートすることなく中止となった。大会は54ホールの短縮競技となり、賞金ランキングへの加算は75パーセントとなる。






順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 3日目◇8日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の3日目は、雷雨のため中止。大会は54ホールの短縮競技となった。






順位 選手名 スコア1 上平 栄道 -15
2 キム・キョンテ -13
ゴ・アジュン -13
H・W・リュー -13
池田 勇太 -13
6 小田 孔明 -12
7 佐藤 祐樹 -11
上田 諭尉 -11
横田 真一 -11
森田 徹 -11



TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 3日目◇8日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」の3日目は雷雨のため中止となった。トータル15アンダー単独首位で最終組だった上平栄道はホテルでスタート時間の連絡を待ったが結局第3ラウンドをティオフすることは出来ず、中止決定後キャディバッグ交換のためにコースを訪れた。






Stay in the benefits of outside activities

No matter you are jog in the room machine, or in outdoors travel along, it can help you to alleviate the pressure and to reduce the nervous autonomici symptom. But the outdoor walk will be more effective, and why? Because you can reach out to the naturalistic world.

Whether you walk in a park in downtown, or stroll by the stream, stay outdoors and nature closer to you.

Go out to the outdoors can be very important to many volunteers of us. The volunteer who takes a walk in the outdoors every day tells us: "The nature does not seem to such evasively from the glass, how can I see the thing is changing day-by-day. Every year when are flowers opening, I will go to look at them." A 69 years old volunteers, usually take a walk in botanical garden nearby her family, she tells us that her every day walk in the garden causes her to realize herself to be too few sound understanding to bird's singing. Therefore she brings the related bird's book and the telescope when she goes to the garden to have a walk.

An Academy of Fine Arts student in general with a digital camera when walking, she says that she can take photo and send by e-mail to her family members who are living in another state. "I want them to know where I live." She said.In addition, even people walking in downtown Seattle is also looking forward to walking.|In addition, the people who walk in the business district also want to take a walk.} They look for new streets through the windows of their stores, feeling the pulse of the city. Indoor sports are usually more boring because you always face the same thing. Since you rarely distracted, so the time seems too slow, and you will be more noticed some unpleasant feelings, such as calf pain or strenuous breathing, and this concern does not apply on the body, Actually it will reduce the movement of the mood benefits.

In 1995 in Australia, in a research which Queensland James the Cook university carried on, the researcher let 10 well-trained athletes carry on separately two times lasts 40 minutes jogging, one time was carries in the university stadium treadmill, another time was in surrounds the campus on the shade of forest alley to carry on. Running the same speed for each volunteer. When athlete moves in the outdoors, their examination score demonstrated that their physical strength increases, anxious, despondent, angry as well as the hostile feeling reduces.

However, when the athlete moves on the indoor treadmill, their mood do not obvious change. Moreover, after the movement they think that is more exhausted. From this study, we find that the best way to improve the mood is in a happy way to do proper strength training. Moreover, I want to supplement one, some people like the indoor sport. For example, some people like to exercise in the gym, some people prefer indoor aerobic exercise, some people like to participate in dance class room. If indoor activities make you feel uncomfortable, or make your focus on the unpleasant feeling on your body, then you will not get sports to bring the emotional benefit to you.


How To Make Carp Fishing boilies Using Easy Cheap Recipes That Beat Readymade Baits!

How To Make Carp Fishing boilies Using Easy Cheap Recipes That Beat Readymade Baits!

If you are ready to take the sensible step of making your own homemade boilies and pellets, now is an ideal time. Having been writing on this subject full time for the past 5 years means I know the interest in this subject has seriously grown recently as more and more anglers want to make their own baits and cut their bait costs. So join the new crowd and read on now!

I am finding difficult to write about bait right now because concentrating is pretty difficult with so many diverse ideas buzzing around my head! My major starting point is visualising how I want to manipulate fish physiology, senses and conditioned responses and thus their resultant behaviours by the leveraging of bait substances and components. My starting point is the fish and not bait ingredients OK! The majority of anglers get things the wrong way round! That is why so many anglers ask me to give them a bait recipe and hope or expect that all their fishing challenges and problems will go away or just disappear by magic!

My big point here is that understanding fish internally and externally and the ways substances that might be exploited as bait impact upon and within fish really are vitally important to your success as a homemade bait maker. This might sound over the top when you think well my semolina and soya or grits and oaties banana flavour boilie catches fish so what is the big deal?

The big deal is all the loads of occasions when such baits fail! This is particularly the case on waters where highly competitive highly nutritionally-stimulating baits very much impact upon fish behaviours, where if your bait is just not stimulating fish in any particular way that results in you getting as many if not more bites than any other anglers, then your baits are pretty worthless to put it mildly. So to ensure that you homemade baits actually do compete extremely successfully against the best of the best of the readymade and other homemade baits, you really need to understand fish. Fish are my starting point when designing my homemade baits and I have made my own baits since around the age of 6 so I have had a little practice at doing it wrong and doing it right!

More to the point I have had enough practice fishing homemade baits against the best readymade baits to know how to design homemade baits to equal and even out-fish readymade baits. Frankly to do this takes quite a lot of knowledge and refinement but with the right information about fish anyone can do it; even beginners!

Recently via Facebook yet another angler asked me for my best boilie recipe as they were planning to make a bait using pineapple flavour or was it banana as they had heard positive things about these flavours. All I could think was how much homemade bait making is such a lost art, to the point where any fashionable flavour or style of readymade bait that comes along conditions the mindset of the masses so that they get the totally inaccurate impression that they need to be using a bait like that!


Types of Rugby Training Equipment

Any rugby player will tell you that proper training sessions are essential to prepare a team for a game. Whether you play professionally, for a club or school or as a hobby, the importance of training cannot be undervalued. For this reason, it is advisable that your team uses proper training equipment to enhance their training sessions.

There is plenty of rugby training equipment in the market designed specifically to help players hone in their skills as well as to make training sessions as productive as possible. Whether you are a coach or trainer working with a school team or a professional rugby team, you will need the essential rugby training equipment for you team’s practice sessions.

To help practice games run a lot smoother it is worth investing in training bibs for your team. Team practice bibs are an easy way of dividing the group into teams for practice games as well as to identify players and positions. Bibs come in a range of colours and usually come in a one size fits all sizing. These bibs are a practical solution when training since the team does not have to wear their formal jerseys, which can then be saved to be worn for proper games. The training bibs should be loose fitting and should be made from a material that is durable and comfortable at the same time.

When playing practice games or a friendly game of rugby tag belts come in handy. Tag rugby is a great way to train without having to physically tackle your opponent. Tag rugby games require the player to wear a tag belt that can then be used to indicate a tackle instead of the player having to be physically tackled. This type of rugby game is great for younger children who want to train or play rugby. Evasion belts are also a great type of rugby training equipment that hones a player’s evasion, mirroring and marking skills during practice.

For agility training and conditioning, there are quite a few types of equipment that can be used on the field. Rugby training equipment such as boundary poles, coned ladder sets, hoop ladder sets and ladder sets help improve and increase a players speed and agility. These sets of rugby training equipment are ideal to use in training sessions on the field and as warm up exercise before practice games and formal games.

Proper training is essential for any player and team and with the right sets of rugby training equipment you and your team are well underway in enhancing your performance and improving your game.


Baseball Backgrounds: An In-Depth Look At One Of Baseballs' Legendary Managers: Tony LaRussa

Here is the first article in a series of baseball backgrounds - looking at the legends who make this sport so great.

In the world of Major League Baseball, managers or coaches compete for the title of who is the best. Fans, players, and other baseball personalities will say that it is arguably Tony LaRussa.

He started making waves in 1962, playing for some Minor and eventually Major League clubs along with the Kansas City Athletics. From there, ironically, he entered law school and graduated with a law degree (Juris Doctor). However, his true heart and soul were still in the fields playing baseball.

Realizing his true passion, he decided to go into coaching for Minor League baseball.

His first team to coach was the Chicago White Sox. Although with a slow start, victory after victory came until in 1983, the White Sox achieved the AL West Division title under LaRussa’s lead. That was the same year he was given the title of Manager of the Year.

He reinvented himself once more when he was offered the managing position for the Oakland A’s. He took on the job with great passion once more and led the Oakland A’s to the World Series between 1988 and 1990 which they won once in 1989.

In 1996, LaRussa shifted to managing the St. Louis Cardinals and remains there to the present day. In his time with the Cardinals, the team won the National League’s Central Division title eight times! Not to mention the National League Pennant twice and winning the World Series in 1996!

These statistics are the envy of coaches all around the world and LaRussa made it look so easy during his career.

Another statistic that he boasts is that he was named Major League's "Manager of the Year" in 1983, 1988, 1992, and 2002. Under his belt is also the fact that he is only the second coach ever to win both the World Series title in the National and American Leagues.

Even after all this time, Tony LaRussa is still powering his way through to keep his candidacy to being the best baseball manager of all time. He has managed over 4,000 games and only comes second to Connie Mack (during 1894-1950 with over 7,500 games).

Still not many coaches have come close to LaRussa these days. His talent is feared by opponents and respected by all.

Jerry Sloan Quits Utah Jazz

Jerry Sloan: The Longest Tenured Coach in Major Sports Resigns
February 11, 2011

Jerry Sloan departs Utah Jazz over souring relationship with Deron Williams
A mere three days after signing a one-year contract extension with the Utah Jazz, head coach Jerry Sloan has abruptly resigned from the organization.
Despite efforts by management to convince Sloan to change his mind during meetings on Thursday morning, the notoriously headstrong coach was steadfast with his decision to leave.

How could Jerry Sloan’s mindset change so quickly? Sources close to the situation claim events that transpired on Wednesday evening during and after the Jazz faced the Chicago Bulls ultimately led to Sloan’s departure.
Sources tell ESPN that Sloan reacted furiously after All-Star point guard Deron Williams called a play on the floor that was different from the call the head coach had made from the sideline. Apparently, the play calling flap led to an emotionally charged halftime discussion, as well as a private meeting with members of the coaching staff and GM Kevin O’Connor after the Jazz were defeated 91-86. Thursday morning’s practice was then abruptly cancelled, and Sloan’s resignation was announced shortly thereafter.

Most accounts of the scenario blame Sloan’s departure on a deteriorating relationship with guard Deron Williams, tagging the play call debacle as the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Interestingly, the sports world has witnessed other player/coach feuds resulting in coaching changes, most recently Vince Young and Jeff Fisher’s sour relationship ended with Fisher’s exit. Jerry Sloan is the longest tenured coach in ANY of the four major sports; who is second? You guessed it… Jeff Fisher.

These player/coach issues often carry serious consequences, more often resulting in coaching adjustments than player trades. The Utah Jazz fan base is split almost down the middle, as a poll by ESPN’s SportsNation is reporting 54% of the Utah Jazz contingent would take Jerry Sloan over Deron Williams if they could choose.

This story along with the Tennessee Titans situation with Jeff Fisher begs the question: who should these organizations be protecting, their historically successful tenured coaches, or their 20-something year old talent? Readers, let us know what you think on LockerSmash!


Basic Horse Care Tips Every Horse Owner Should Follow

I love horses. However, taking care of one is a big responsibility. They are naturally sociable creatures that nurture their loved ones and have an affinity to running free through wide open areas with other members of their herd. Over the years of domestication, horses have learned to adapt to stable life; they still need a great deal of care though to fulfill their needs. Here are a few basic tips to properly care for your horse:

Horses love to run around with very little restrictions and limitations. Usually this means you’ll need a wide open space where they can do this. Typically there isn’t an exact acreage requirement but most experts agree that one acre of pasture per horse is more than enough. You want the pasture to be fenced so the horse can’t escape or become injured. Now that you have a spot where the horse can pasture, check it for any potential hazards such as trash, holes in the fencing, and poisonous plants. These include yew, deadly nightshade, ragwort, foxglove, buttercups, oak leaves and acorns, bracken, laurel, privet, meadow saffron, castor bean, locoweed, horsetail, star thistle, and sorghum.

You don’t want to forget about providing adequate shelter to protect the animals from the wind, rain, and sun. While trees provide some nice shade from the sun out in the pasture, they will require something sturdier during the colder winter months and during a rainstorm. Most horse owners typically go with a three-sided enclosure or barn since thy work best. The shelter has to be large enough so all the horses can fit inside comfortably. The back wall should be built so that it faces the prevailing wind.

If for some reason your horses are kept in the stable for most or all of the day, they will require daily grooming so their coats stay healthy. You don’t want to over groom either if they horse spends a good amount of time in the pasture. The horse’s coats produces natural oils which keep the horse warm and dry. Horse blankets are also good on cooler or rainy days if the horses are out in pasture too.

Now that the shelter is all set up and ready to go, your next step is to provide proper bedding in the stable. You don’t want your horses standing on a hard floor all day. Plus they need to something soft to sleep on at night. I personally use straw as bedding. It is inexpensive, warm, and comfortable.

Boston Red Sox Tickets Fenway Park

The arrival of spring awakens the fans of Red Sox Nation and the once a year quest for a World Series victory through the native nine. They began in 1901 as the Boston Americans of the newly shaped American League.

Boston red Sox received the primary ever World Series in 1903 over the Pittsburgh Pirates. In 1908 they modified their title to the Red Sox. In 1912 they moved into brand new Fenway Park, where they still play today.

In 1918, the Red Sox received their fifth World Series, thanks in part to a star lefty pitcher named Babe Ruth, who may also hit the 'you know what' out of the ball. Following the 1919 season, Sox owner Harry Frazee offered Ruth to the New York Yankees. For the following 86 years in spite of the enduring loyalty by means of Red Sox Nation the workforce suffered quite a few intestine wrenching disappointments and no World Series victories.

After the Babe's exile to New York, thirteen futile years adopted together with 9 last place campaigns. A resurgence began in 1933 while millionaire Tom Yawkee bought the team, revamped Fenway Park, and spent cash for big name players. Through the 1940's and 50's, the group frequently competed for the pennant but they were foiled a couple of times, continuously by way of the Yankees. In 1946 they received their first pennant given that 1918 however have been beaten through the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series.

They went through every other bleak period from the past due fifties till the "Impossible Dream" workforce of 1967; led through Carl Yastrzemski's unbelievable Triple Crown season. The love affair among New England baseball fanatics and the Red Sox was reborn. Since that magical '67 season Fenway Park has persistently been filled to capacity. In the next years the Sox won pennants in 1975 and 1986, captured three divisional championships, and made 5 wild-card appearances. In the iciness of 2002 the Yawkee generation ended with the sale of the team to a gaggle led by way of idea proprietor John Henry.

In 2004, 8 a long time of heartbreak had been perpetually purged. In the A.L. Championship Series, the Sox went down a apparently not possible 3 video games to none to the Yankees. Amazingly they reversed the tide and vanquished the New Yorkers 4 instantly occasions to take the pennant. Four games later in St. Louis, whilst reliever Keith Foulk fielded Cardinals shortstop Edgar Rentaria's bouncer to the mound, and tossed the ball to Doug Mientkiewicz to start with base, the Boston Red Sox have been in spite of everything the World Champions of Baseball as soon as again.

This time there could be no 86 12 months World Series drought for Red Sox Nation. In 2007 the Sox ended the Yankees 11 12 months reign as Eastern Division champs, enroute to a 2nd world championship in 4 years. Once once more they got here back from the brink of removal within the American League Championship Series, rallying from a 3-1 deficit to the Cleveland Indians to win the pennant. They completed their championship year, in the back of MVP Mike Lowell, sweeping the Colorado Rockies in the World Series.

Boston fans have witnessed many historical moments at Fenway Park. They watched the impressive occupation of Ted Williams, called by way of many that saw him play, "the biggest hitter who ever lived." They also cheered the exploits of Hall of Famers Carl Yastrzemski, Carlton Fisk, Joe Cronin, Wade Boggs, and Bobby Doerr. Former Red Sox pitcher Roger Clemens guaranteed his position in Cooperstown with his years in a Boston uniform. Now playing elsewhere, Pedro Martinez and Nomar Garciapara left indelible marks in Boston sports activities lore in the past due 90's and the early 21st century.

Currently Boston fanatics are being handled to the heroics of David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez, Curt Shilling and a perennial contending team. With a second championship now below their belts, Josh Beckett, Jonathan Papelbon, Kevin Youkilis, Dustin Pedroia, and Daisuke Matsuzaka, are some of the new names delivered to the lengthy line of Red Sox greats.

In addition to bringing international championships to the starved fanatics of New England, the new possession has infused recent power to the team on and off the field. They have made many improvements to ageing Fenway Park, most particularly the addition of the Monster Seats atop the famed left box wall. They have very much progressed the food, the comfort, and the world across the park to make a Red Sox recreation a singular and memorable Boston experience. Buy Cheap Boston Red Sox tickets for all 2011 MLB baseball games at Fenway Park are now on sale.


The Rise in Popularity of Beer Games at Parties

For any party, which begs to have a crazy side to it, must include beer and lots of it. Over the years, it has become the norm in the western university culture to consume lots of beer. Fresher's week, fraternities, sororities, various university clubs, varsity teams and many important university events have made drinking beer an integral part of their events. Besides this, private get-together's, like bachelor or Super Bowl parties, also involve lots of beer.

However, it's not just the beer that makes these parties 'crazy' or memorable. It is essentially what goes on in the party and increasingly these parties involve beer games making it more fun. Games such as beer pong, beer bonging, flip cup etc. are a few games which are very popular. Beer pong is one of the most popular American college beer games. However, to play this game you need a pong table especially made for this purpose. In order to have an exciting game, there are some characteristics of beer pong tables that should be focused on as important. Beer pong tables should be easy to clean, lightweight, durable and able to be taken anywhere as drinking games are played for convenience. Over the years custom made beer pong tables have become the centre of attraction for college parties. Many varieties of pong tables with different themes are now readily available in the market. The top eight categories are: 1. Billiards & Games Room

2. Classic Designs

3. College Favorites

4. Flags & Pride

5. High Definition Graphics

6. Leaf Designs

7. Sexy Designs

8. Sports & Tailgate For amateurs, beer pong games and rules to beer pong are easily available online to get started. Also, drinking game logs can be grabbed to help make games instructions easy to understand.

Another major beer game is beer bonging which involves the use of various beer bongs. Beer bongs are custom made flasks or funnels that force people to drink lots of beer at once, thus allowing more people to get drunk is less amount of time (the entire idea of a beer party!). Bongs with double heads and quad heads are the most common ones used. However, there are bongs with multiple heads, usually referred to as bongzillas, also used at parties. Therefore, to make any beer party successful it is a must to have beer games and their accessories. These are usually inexpensive and yield great results for the host.

With an increased craze for drinking games, it has become equally important for the event organizers to give special attention to the theme of the event. It is because the participants of such events give higher importance to the harmonizing party props that are used during the game play of drinking as it adds more excitement and hype to the game. Picture having a basketball designed beer pong table to play on after watching the NBA finals. How cool would that be?

Seemingly, it has become the norm for young adults to play beer games to enjoy many different social events. Whether it's a beer pong game being played or beer bonging being done, beer games are fun essentials to all parties. So join in the fun! Add a customized beer pong table to your themed party today. See how much more fun your guests will have with props harmonizing with the theme of your party. There are many sites that have beer pong accessories available but be sure to search for those important characteristics or the trending top eight categories to be sure you find a fashionable table to fit your party needs.

How To Increase Your Vertical

If you happen to be an athlete, or even a ordinary guy, your sport would probably ask for a minimum vertical leap and / or jump, acquiring powerful legs for swimming, running, beach volleyball, football, but mainly basketball. In any case, to look for an awesome vertical training program is not a simple task, I know that because I tried that in the past!

I was once a young basketball player growing up, but now I play the sport for fun at home and with friends. But even though it was simply for fun, I still desired to have a massive vertical jump like Spudd Webb and Nate Robinson, considering the fact that I’m only 5-ft, 10. So I decided to do my own little workout at home and to be honest, I had gain a fair amount of vertical jump; I could dunk with one and two hands making use of both feet. But yet that still failed to give me the results I wanted. I started browsing over the Internet for the best vertical training program out there. On a regular basis I would see if there was a program that might give me what I required. This went on for some time, but I wasn’t successful.

And there came a day. I was shooting some hoops with a friend of mine and out of nowhere, this short person (he was most likely about 5-ft, 4) comes up to us and asks if he might play one-on-one with one of us. My friend and I looked at one another and began laughing, cause was he a little midget in our eyes, yet he challenged us to a short game. So I just said, "Okay, I’ll take you on!"

With a simple smile, he agreed to play. But I was in for the biggest revelation of my life! As soon as I had given him the ball, he speedily sprinted towards me( I was right underneath the basket), and instead of going for a charge, he jumped right over me and slammed the ball with a two-handed jam! I and my friend were actually thunderstruck! We had certainly not seen anything at all like that before!

Before I could say anything, the guy handed me the ball, smiling saying, "Now that was a nice game, wasn’t it?" And he began to walk away. I instantly came to my senses and arisen and ask him how did he get to jump so high. He only said two words to me and said, "Jump Manual". Now I was even more speechless cause I didn’t know what he meant by saying that. That night I searched for the phrase "Jump Manual" and I found the answer what I needed all these years!

I eventually purchased the Jump Manual and, well, I’ll just say this. I went from a little wannabe dunker to a fanatical dunk expert that made everyone’s jaw drop. The Jump Manual was the very best discovery I had ever made, and if I didn’t play that the guy, I would have been completely worse off. (I have wanted to thank that guy, but after that day, it’s like he just disappeared.)

I, as well as others people who have used the Jump Manual, are living testimonies of the program. All over the world people have done great things and have gone professional in their athletic career. People keep on saying how fantastic I fly in the air, even little children come up to me asking how I get to jump so high. I impart them with some exercises that don’t harm them, because they are kids.

If you had to look for the top ten vertical programs on the web, you would discover that the Jump Manual is THE number one program that's HOT right now. Why I didn’t find this out earlier I have no idea.

Who is the person behind the Jump Manual? None other than world know trainer and coach Jacob Hiller. Who is he? Well…

Jacob Hiller has trained high school, college, NBA, and Olympic athletes, and professional dunkers. He has been developing vertical jump explosion techniques for over ten years and training coaches and athletes to maximize their potential. He has consistently helped athletes to gain 40 plus verticals.

There are only a few tools that I trust to further improve my vertical training, but Jacob I trust 100%. He lays everything down in a simple, straightforward manner that any body who can read can do it. He shows what exercises to do, when to do it, what not to do, what to eat, how to prevent future injuries and many more. But just to make one point clear; he is not some nobody that had this brilliant idea to make a vertical program and just jumble some stuff together and hope that it sells well. But I stand down for that trash talk; because he is not a spammer, as some people think he is, but he is really a vertical training coach. He is a world wide known trainer and he has been featured on ESPN, Fade Away, and Men’s Health.

If you want to give the give the Jump Manual a try, then I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. I hope you can achieve the unbelievable results and accomplish your goals like did.


Euro 2012 will bring billions of euros of losses?

Ukraine will lose from 6-8 billion dollars on organizing Euro 2012 European Football Championships. Experts claims that championships will not bring even profits in the long term.

Total costs in Ukraine could reach $ 14 billion. Euro 2012 will generate a loss of about 6-8 billion dollars. Long distances between cities and poor communication infrastructure does not encourage football supporters to visit Ukraine during the Euro 2012 tournament.

Euro 2012 European Football Championships are organized by both Poland and Ukraine in 2012.

Last report shows that Ukraine lost the chance to benefit from the championship by the economic crisis. Foreign investors were not willing to invest in travel services in Ukraine, because they were frightened by the situation on international markets.
Fans are less likely to travel. Nobody know how many people will visit Ukraine.
However, football fans will come from countries which are far less affected by economic crisis like England, France, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands or Denmark.

For Polish, group stage draw wasn't too happy, because in Poland play poor or bankrupt countries: Spain, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic and Russia.

Due to Scandinavian report in case of playing their Euro 2012 games in Poland hundreds of thousands of Swedes could came to Euro 2012. Because the Swedes will play in Ukraine, 30 thousands of supporters declared to travel to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine claims that thanks to the Euro 2012 Championships real economic growth will increase by 0.8 percent.

Major problem is lack of hotels. People from Lviv can see the positives aspects with the Euro 2012. Mainly in infrastructure. "Previously, there was a hole in the hole" one of Lvov citizen said.

But fans of teams playing their matches in Lvov in Ukraine are in good situation. Those are Germans, Danes and Portuguese. Lvov is situated 100 km from Polish border and 160 km from big city of Rzeszow with airport and cheap hotels. If they don't find accommodation directly in Lvov they can always live and sleep in Poland.

How to choose your bicycle helmet

One of the main concerns for any cyclist is safety, having the right kit is a must. The days of large mushroom shaped helmets are long gone, with a variety of stylish and lightweight designs on the market. But with so many styles and sizes, choosing the correct bike helmet can seem like a bit of a puzzle.
So here we have put together a simple guide to help with the process.

Types of helmet
We consider there to be 4 main types of cycle helmets, which also have a number of design variations within each type.
General Use (Commuting, Mountain Bike, Road Bike, BMX, and Universal Fit) General use helmets are usually about £20-£40 and can be used for many different sports. Many of these can be a universal size, with adjustability to fit.
Mountain Bike (Cross Country, Downhill, All Mountain) Offering extra protection for the more aggressive cycling mountain bike helmets usually come with a visor and slightly thicker than other helmets. For the more extreme disciplines you will find full face helmets which come with an extended face guard, similar to motor bike helmets. These can range between from £30-£200.
Road Bike (Racing, Track, Triathlon) Generally a more aerodynamic style, road bike helmets are lighter and less bulk with more ventilation. These can range from £40-£200.
BMX (Dirt Jump, Street, Skate) The style of a BMX helmets is the same across Dirt Jump, Street and Skateboarding, with a more classic 'bowl' design with less ventilation. Ranging between £20-£50.

Helmet Sizes
Manufacturers can show different sizing guidelines, but the majority should always have the actual size in centimeters (cm). Some companies may show Small (51-55cm), Medium (56-60cm), Large (61-64cm) where others will show Small/Medium (49-58cm), Large/XL (58-62cm) and other will simply have a one size fits all label, giving more adjustability.
With most helmets offering adjustable straps and rear adjustment assemblies, the right fit can be achieved. But before choosing you will need to know your helmet size.

How to measure yourself
Making sure you have the correct size is very important; a poor fitting helmet can be uncomfortable and unsafe. Once you know the size you need you can search for the perfect helmet.
A tailor measuring tape (fabric tape) is perfect, if not, you can use a piece of string and a ruler. Take the tape or string and wrap it around your head horizontally, with the start and end point being at the centre of your forehead. The tape or string should run parallel across the head, just above the ears. The tape (or string against the ruler) will indicate what your helmet size is.
Men’s, Women’s and Children’s specific helmets can be difference sizes and colours. For example a Ladies Medium will be smaller than a Men’s/Unisex Medium.

Parts of a bike helmet

The Shell - The shell is the actual helmet itself which is usually made from EPS (expanded polystyrene) which is designed to protect the head from injury. All cycling helmets have ventilation to help regulate body temperature during exercise.
The Visor - Usually only found on mountain bike helmets the visor can sometimes add extra protection against front impacts, sunlight and rain. The visor can sometimes be removed if desired.
The Straps - The nylon straps can be adjusted to fit comfortably under the chin and should feel snug when your mouth is open. Some bicycle helmets come with additional adjustment assemblies at the rear to add comfort and security.
The Liner - All helmets come with a sponge-fabric liner for comfort. Some also use the liner as a size aid, for example BMX helmets can come as one-size, with optional liner kits to change the helmets size.

The Law
Helmets sold in many countries including the UK + US have a helmet safety certification that needs to be met. This ensures the helmet is safe to use.
Cyclists are not required by law to wear a helmet in the UK but are in some parts of the world. Wearing a helmet is strongly recommended and also a requirement for races and competitions.

Fitting your helmet
Full face and BMX helmets come with a single strap that clips under the chin. When the helmet is in the correct position on the head, the straps can be adjusted so that they are snug across the side of the head and under the chin. As a guide, only one or two fingers should be able to fit in under the strap.
As well as this strap, most Road, Mountain and General Use helmets come with a dial system at the back of the helmet that can be adjusted to add extra comfort and support at the lower back of the head.
Once the straps are done up to fit, you can shake your head a little to make sure the helmet is secure. The helmet should move with the head and feel fitted without any discomfort.

Nba Dwight Howard On The Road To Boston?

It is an undisputed fact that Celtics roster is aged and they don't really have any real hopes for competing for the championship this year. With KG and Pierce at 35, and Ray Allen at 38, the aging Celtics lack the vigor and physical presence to make the top their own.

DH on the other hand, will be a free agent this summer, and don't really want to re-sign for Orlando, as the team is not competitive and is trailing at the last places of its division. In fact, had not been for DH, Orlando would probably ranked among the worse 5 positions of the NBA. Orlando having understood and accepted the fact, that they're gonna lose their biggest star, is only natural to want to trade him.

2 days ago, a rumor surfaced that HD is gonna sign for Boiston. The trade in order to happen will require a 3rd team (New Orleans). Here's the deal:

Boston will send Jermaine O'Neal, Avery Brandley and JaJuan Johnson to New Orleans. Orlando will send DH to Boston and Jameer Nelson to New Orleans. The latter will receive 2 first (1st) round 2012 (or 2014) picks from Boston plus Chris Kaman and Rajon Rondo.

Such a scenario is ideal for both 3 teams: New Orleans will trade Kaman (has an expensive contract and was injured last season. In addition, they will save money and get 2 players. Orlando will fill in their center spot and will acquire Rondo who is an All-Star material. Rondo is among NBA's top 5 point guards thus, it is a sweet deal for Orlando. As for Boston? well, with DH dominating both ends of the court they're back in the game for a championship. Losing Rondo is tough, but necessary in order to acquire THE top center in the NBA!


Exactly what Wild Blue Sports offers: Products and Accessories for the Outdoors

The outdoors is one of the only places that we have left as human beings to truly enjoy ourselves with nature. As industrialization continues, nature is becoming more and more sacred, and many individuals are discovering themselves investing more time outdoors now than ever. Additionally, during the hotter months, there are lots of desirable actions that are carried out outdoors. This includes camping, fishing and climbing. If you're interested in investing more time outdoors, or are merely an outdoorsy individual, consider going to Wild Blue Sports for your outdoor gear requirements. This organization focuses on the worker in addition to the consumer, and has a passion for helping individuals enjoy the outdoors, outdoor tech, and other fishing, hunting and marine associated sports. To learn more concerning this company, continue reading below.

Wild Blue Sports provide equipment for a variety of actions, in addition to clothes, household items, accessories for pets, and also survival associated equipment. First, Wild Blue Sports offers a variety of accessories, including air pumps and vacuums, energy food, lights, navigation, power supplies, maps, batteries, boat and vehicle accessories, bags as well as books/manuals. Subsequent, Wild Blue Sports offers anything that a individual would require in camping gear. This includes bedding and tents. Other camping products include books and manuals, chairs and also cooking supplies.

Wild Blue Sports also offers a wide range of clothes to fit the outdoorsy person’s needs. Not only does this company offer clothes for men, women and kids, however they also have a selection of sunglasses and belt buckles. It's important to have the right apparel when collaborating in an outdoor activity. Not only does it provide the purpose, however it also serves as protection. Wild Blue Sports also specializes in fish hunting, providing fishing gear includes supplies for salt water and fresh water fish, as well as fish hunting products this kind of as knives/tools, books/manuals, fishing GPS’s and nets.

In addition to providing homes supplies like outdoor lighting, Wild Blue Sports also offers hunting gear. This includes knives/tools, books/manuals and gun accessories. This organization is also an excellent marine supply store. Marine gear sold by Wild Blue Sports consists of speakers, antennas, radios and dock lighting. Marine products and mare gear supplies are essential to have to ensure safety, which is a major reason as to why they are provided by Wild Blue Sports. Survival gear, this kind of as security lighting, emergency blankets and unexpected emergency water is also offered. Not all sports stores sell survival gear, but Wild Blue Sports understands that occasionally particular circumstances need extra planning and protection. Finally, Wild Blue Sports is also an superb online water sports shop. This water sports shop sells different items for water sports, such as pools and toys.

As you can see, Wild Blue sports is the place to shop when preparing for any outdoor adventure. Wild Blue Sports sells outdoor adventure products while also maintaining the consumer in mind. This business is trusted by the outdoor community, and is widely known for selling only the most high quality products.

Top 11 Countries With the Most World Cup Appearances

The first World Cup in the history of football (soccer) was invitational and only 13 teams entered in the 1930 World Cup in Uruguay. Since the 1934 World Cup in Italy teams have to qualify to the tournament.

The first World Cup qualifying match was played on 11 June 1933 in Stockholm where Sweden defeated Estonia 6-5. Today, qualifying tournaments are held within the six FIFA continental zones (Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Central America and Caribbean, Oceania and South America).

A requirement to win the World Cup title is to qualify for it. Many times favorites fail before the tournament even started. Here is the list of teams that are the best at qualifying to the World Cup.

11. Samurais and Portuguese

Japan and Portugal have participated in five FIFA World Cups each. Actually, the Japanese have only four participations but they have qualified for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. They have never gone beyond the round of 16. The Portuguese have a third place as best result. Led by legendary Eusebio, they only lost against host nation England in the 1966 FIFA World Cup.

10. African Lions

Cameroon has qualified six times for the FIFA World Cup, more than any other African nation. Despite being unbeaten in the 1982 FIFA World Cup, their first World Cup appearance, they failed to qualify for the second round. Once they have played in the second round. It was at the 1990 World Cup when they lost in the quarter-final against England.

9. All Europe

Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Poland have all played in seven FIFA World Cups. Austria only lost to World Champions West Germany, when they finished third, in the 1954 World Cup. Bulgaria has only advanced from the group stage twice in seven attempts. In 1994, they played for third place against Sweden but lost. Romania has quarterfinals in 1994 as the best result. Sweden was the stronger team in the penalty shootout. The Poles have two bronze medals in the World Cup (1974 and 1982).

8. Kilts and South Americans

Chile, Paraguay and Scotland have all played in eight World Cups without being able to call themselves World Champions. Chile hosted the 1962 FIFA World Cup and finished third. It is their best result to date. In the 2010 World Cup Paraguay lost against, future World Champions, Spain in the quarterfinals. They had never advanced so long before. Scotland has never played a match in the second round at the World Cup.

7. Nine is the lucky number

Several countries have played nine World Cups. The list consists of Czech Republic and Slovakia (includes Czechoslovakia), Hungary, South Korea, Holland, Russia (includes Soviet Union), Switzerland together with the United States. Czechoslovakia has played two finals without winning (1934 and 1962). Czech Republic played in the 2006 World Cup without qualifying to the second round. The Slovaks progressed to the second round in 2010.

The Hungarian team that lost the final in 1954 is perhaps the best team that has not won a World Cup. Hungary had great results until the mid-1960s. Two silver medals and three quarter-finals but no gold. South Korea advanced from the group in their sixth attempt. They needed a home World Cup in 2002 and they progressed all the way to the semifinals. But they missed the medal, Turkey became too difficult in the match for the bronze.

Holland had like Hungary fantastic teams without winning the World Cup. Oranje has played three World Cup Finals without lifting the desirable trophy (1974, 1978 and 2010). The Soviets never managed to position themselves better than fourth in a World Cup. The Swiss have never gone beyond the quarter-finals. USA finished third in the first World Cup in the history of football. They have had eight attempts to repeat the feat but at best, they have advanced to the quarter finals (2002).

6. First champions have 11 World Cup appearances

Belgium, Yugoslavia (includes Serbia), Sweden and Uruguay have all participated in eleven FIFA Word Cups. The Belgians finished just outside the medals in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, neither before nor after they have performed better. Yugoslavia was together with the U.S., awarded o bronze medal in the first World Cup. They finished fourth in the 1962 World Cup and they have played three quarter finals, without counting the tournaments where they advanced to the semifinals.

Sweden has two bronze medals (1950 and 1994) and one silver (1958) as the best performances in the FIFA World Cup. Uruguay went down in the history books by winning the first World Cup in the history of football. They have won the desirable title twice (1930 and 1950) and have three fourth places (1954, 1970 and 2010).

5. Europe's big ones

Together, they have played 39 World Cups and all have won the title. France, Spain and England have played in thirteen World Cups each. France won the 1998 World Cup at home and lost the 2006 final against Italy. Spain is title holder, before that the Spaniards had a fourth place as best result. Just as France, England won the FIFA World Cup on home soil. They won the 1966 final at Wembley against West Germany. Otherwise quarterfinal is the most common result for the English (1954, 1962, 1970, 1986, 2002 and 2006).

4. No gold in 14 attempts

Mexico has played fourteen World Cups without winning the title. Twice they have advanced to the quarterfinals. Both times they were the hosts for the World Cup (1970 and 1986). In five consecutive World Cups, they have advanced to the round of 16 (1994-2010).

3. Argentina in third place

Argentina is the only country to have played in fifteen World Cups. The Argentines have won the World Cup gold twice (1978 and 1986). La Albiceleste lost the first World Cup final in the sport's history in 1930. It took them 48 years to play in a final again, but in 1978 they went off the pitch as winners.

2. Europe's best

Italy and Germany (includes West Germany) have played in the FIFA World Cup seventeen times each. Both declined the invitation to the 1930 World Cup in Uruguay. Italy has won the World Cup four times. The first gold came as early as in 1934, the last came in 2006. All titles have been won on European soil (1934-Italy, 1938-France, 1982-Spain and 2006-Germany). Three-time champions Germany have also only won on European soil (1953-Switzerland, 1974-Germany and 1990-Italy). The Germans have eleven medals including the three gold medals

1. Joga Bonito

The most champions are also the most participants. Brazil has won the World Cup a record five times and the Brazilians have participated in the World Cup a record twenty times. They were part of the first World Cup, but they did not win before 1958 in Sweden. They won 5-2 against the host nation in the final and Brazil's dynasty began along with Pele's amazing skills. The latest gold came in 2002. The 2014 tournament is held in Brazil. Can they handle the pressure and win the sixth?

Is A Hard Bow Case Best?

Now that you have finished the effort of getting a nice bow you should make sure and protect your investment. Your bow can give years of enjoyment, so just make sure to take care of the things you own. There are a few features that you want in bow cases and these are the things that you should look for.

Features to look for include:

Level of protection
Extra room
The weight
Fits your bow
Fits your needs the best

There are two different types of cases. Hard cases and soft cases. Both cases have their good sides but will not work for every situation. What you want to find is the case that covers as many of your needs as possible. If you will be carrying you bow a lot, then the soft case will be better. If the bow will get banged around a lot or stored for a long time, then a hard case would be an appropriate choice.

The hard bow case

The hard bow case is heavy and very sturdy. You will get the most protection from this type of case.

The pros: It has an increased amount of protection for your bow. The bow inside will be very well protected from being crushed. Water damage should not be an issue. Many of the hard cases also have space built-in for your arrows. This type of case is good for storage, throwing the bow in with other hunting or camping gear, and piece of mind.

The cons: The case is normally fitted and there is not much extra room. Hard cases are heavier and can be bulkier than a soft case. Another problem is that many bows have to be taken apart to fit in the bow case. Extras like the quiver, stabilizer, and sometimes even the sight have to be taken off to fit. Some people get an over sized case to deal with this problem, but might still be a challenge if you have a larger bow.

I would recommend something like the SKB hunter bow case for a hard bow case.

The soft case

The soft bow case provides a lower level of protection, but some good options. The case is normally pretty dust proof and water-resistant.

The pros: The soft case is light weight and has additional pockets for extras and arrows. In soft cases like the Primos soft bow case that I recommend. Most people can fit their bow in with the stabilizer, quiver, and other extras still attached. It is great if you need to carry your bow a long distance or if you do not want the hassle of needing to re attach things all the time.

The cons: The case is not designed to protect against getting knocked around. That is why it is called a soft case. There will be padding inside the case and there are normally straps to secure the bow just don"t put other gear on top of the case. You will probably want an arrow container to put into one of the pockets of the case. The case is not completely waterproof, but that is completely irrelevant most of the time.

The final choice comes down to what you need and want to do. Both types are good, but one will better fit your needs. Feel free to get both cases if you want. I hope this helps you in deciding what bow case you want.


The League: Online & On the Field

Sports play a major role in just about every guy’s life. The Super Bowl alone draws in over 106 million viewers and billions in television and sponsorship revenue. That’s not a typo; billions of dollars are generated by one single 60 minute football game each year. The bottom line, sports are big business.
I’m right there with most guys. Saturdays are reserved for college football, Sundays for the NFL. Sprinkled throughout the rest of the week I take every opportunity to watch my favorite NBA team chew up the hardwood and attend as many hockey games as I can. For the record there is no better overtime than an NHL shootout and the Stanley Cup is far and away the ultimate sports trophy in existence.
Like most guys my days of playing sports are pretty much behind me. I guess God didn’t bless me with insane amounts of talent and determination; my playing days went as far as second string on my high school football team. Twelve years later, I may not be gifted enough to carve a career out of playing sports, but I still love the competition and comradery that come with the sports world. That’s why I play fantasy football, my kids play everything from soccer to pee wee football, and I relish the opportunity to participate in the occasional pick up game with friends.
A lot of guys are like me, big sports lovers, not such big athletes. But that doesn’t stop us from forming casual leagues and getting together with like minded sports fanatics to relive the glory days and escape reality for a few short hours. And the best way to meet like minded armchair quarterbacks and get involved in the game is to create a sports website for your league.
It only makes sense that in any sport, especially youth ones, sports websites are a must. First you need a place to congregate when you’re not pushing each other around on the gridiron or hardwood. Secondly, the internet is the best place to advertise your leagues existence and recruit new bodies to the fold. For children’s leagues, parents want places to upload and share photos and video taken during practices and games. Websites also offer leagues the ability to create and release schedules, stats, and roster information in one central place. A good sport league software can turn a team sports website into an interactive virtual spots environment and lend your league or team even more credibility.
Even more than the abilities to create and manage league content, a good league website gives your players and fans a place to congregate and enjoy the sport even on days there are no games scheduled. Websites lend a bit of fantasy to the sports experience and allow kids and adults alike to walk in the shoes of their heroes, from Wes Welker to Drew Brees, Steve Nash to LeBron James, no matter what your sport a league website can be a substitute for the bright lights on the field of play. And the more excitement surrounding your league or team the better. So to all my fellow all stars of two hand touch, I’ll be seeing you on the message boards, and then later on the field, that is if I find the time to mow the lawn first.

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New Adidas NBA jerseys

Whole new generation of NBA jersey Revolution 30 from 60% recycled material, and the application of patented Adidas Formotion clothing technology, not only to minimize seams, reducing the players jersey and the friction between the skin, but also special material by optimizing the performance of players in the natural movement. Meanwhile, Adidas abandoned thick material instead of the original production of breathable mesh jersey number, which can effectively reduce weight and enhance the players wear jersey comfort. In addition, NBA Revolution 30 Adidas jersey is also applied to patent CLIMACOOL material fabric: water management through a special structure, jersey breathing passages and three-dimensional design, the fabric can be discharged within three seconds of the players to absorb the heat and the surface water, and then the drying rate will be double the jersey.
Adidas is the new jersey is built for the NBA game can be customized set of an important part of packages. Currently, this package includes: a new NBA Revolution 30 jersey, the use of Adidas TECHFIT Padded and PowerWeb technology tight underwear, and the same technology used the Techfit elbow, knee and ankle and a series of sports accessories. This competition will help all NBA players set a more flexible, more durable and less prone to injury.
In the past four years, Adidas has been carried out in cooperation with the NBA jersey testing to ensure the best quality, performance and comfort. NBA League size from more than 200 players in training and competition in the try a new shirt, and Adidas jersey researchers not only innovative analysis of the effects of combat, more comprehensive try to listen to the players feedback. 2009 NBA All-Star Game in Phoenix, all the players are wearing NBA Revolution 30 try version played; 2010 NBA All-Star Game Dallas game, all players had to wear the NBA Jersey Revolution 30 finalized version of their talents.


Oregon Trail - The Oregon Trail - Beginning In Arrow Rock, Missouri

The Oregon Trail holds a unique place in the history of the United States. Thousands of pioneers used the trail to populate the middle and western parts of the country in the 19th century.

Oregon Trail

In the eighteen hundreds, the east coast of the United States had become overcrowded and expensive. For relief, people looked to the opportunities in the then limitless west. Over the next 100 years, hundreds of thousands of people undertook the six month quest to find a better life. Tens of thousands died along the route.

The Oregon Trail begins in Independence, Missouri and winds its way to the Willamette River Valley in Oregon. Follow the trail from beginning to end and you’ll pass through the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Idaho.

Tracking the Oregon Trail can take a month by car, so I am going to highlight certain spots in this and further articles. Arrow Rock, Missouri is as good a place as any to start.

Arrow Rock, Missouri

Although Independence, Missouri is technically the beginning of the Oregon Trail, Arrow Rock is a better place to start. Arrow Rock is a tiny town of maybe 100 people and remains much the way it was during the hey day of the Oregon Trail. You’ll get a real taste of the way things were by visiting the tavern and old seminary. One of the odder attractions is the Calaboose.

Arrow Rock has the rather peculiar Calaboose Jail. Built of stone, the jail is particular because it is built for only one person. By one person, I mean no lobby, no office, no nothing, just a stone structure with one wooden door.

To get a better understanding of Arrow Rock, make sure to visit the Arrow Rock Historic Site center. For lodging, there are four or five bed and breakfast options in the town. Campers can stay at the Arrow Rock Historic Site camping grounds.

Visiting Arrow Rock is like stepping back into the Wild West. Look to the west and you can get a feel for how the pioneers felt as they started their long journey.

Shopping - Test Your Shopping Style And Improve

Human beings come in many types. So do our styles vary. All of us have our own unique style. Let us discuss few and find out how to improve our shopping style and how to test our shopping style.

Immediate shopper - this kind of shopper looks at something, likes it, finds the price and buys it. This shopper does not think why and how that product is better to others, nor cares to compare any prices. I like it, so I buy it. Shopkeepers love this shopper.

Thoughtful Shopper - This shopper looks at a product, and thinks about it. Why should i buy it? Should I buy it? How will I use it? Will it be useful? Am I making a mistake buying it? Or should I buy it? What about the cost? This shopper will think about everything and then take a considered decision.

Confused Shopper - This shopper is confused. Does not know why he/she entered the shop at all? Why and what to buy? What will be the use? What about this? How about that? The shopper is confused about the whole shopping and is a big headache for the stores.

I Will Buy It Later - This buyer is a unique specimen. He/she will look at all the products. Discuss about few thoroughly and compare the prices. Will decide about what is to be bought and then suddenly walk out saying - I will buy it later.

What is your shopping style? What kind of shopper are you? What is the best style? The best way to buy something is of course to first know what we need, know our prices limits, search for the best, satisfy ourselves about the quality and then buy the product. The trouble is that very few people buy like that. As I said before human beings come in many types, now I add that humans are not rational animals.

Try some fun shopping quizzes to find out your shopping style and enjoy life. Shopping is after all considered fun by most of us. Why not to have fun with that? Quizzing yourself about your shopping style is a fun way to find out more about yourself. The results can never be accurate, but fun is guaranteed.

Golf - World’S Top Five Golf Courses

Wonder where the world’s richest, famous, and avid golfers tee off? In a sport where the playing field is not as rigid or as restricted as other forms of sport, the outdoor can make the difference. Where nature is not only the backdrop but the playing field itself, how this sport is played is what makes golf a very relaxing, liberating, and striking experience.

Glimpse into these greens hailed as the world’s five top golf courses, as compiled by Golf Magazine. Golfer or not, you will be enthralled and intrigued how these ultra expansive natural settings that seemingly stretch out to the sky in interesting meandering patterns and heights can be so ultra secluded from the public eye.

Pine Valley Golf Club

Located in Pine Valley, New Jersey USA, the Pine Valley Golf Club hits the number one spot. The golf course is reported to take up vast acres of greeneries, so vast that each golfer would feel a sense of isolation, not knowing that other golfers playing in other sections of the fairways feel the same.

Interestingly, Pine Valley is not new in receiving prestige and recognition in the sports world of golf. Records indicate this gold course was already at the number three spot in 1939 in a ranking by Golf Club atlas. In Golf Magazine’s biennial rankings, it has remained at the top since 1991.

But Pine Valley does not only boast of quantity in acres but the quality of the course as well. In fact, it is also considered to be one of the toughest courses. If you crave for challenge, privacy, and ultimate golfing experience, go Pine Valley.

Cypress Point Club

Cypress Point, the number two choice, is the most beautiful course. Located in Pebble Beach, California USA, it is positioned in a piece of land that meets the blue waters of the beach.

This 18-hole golf course has bunkers that have been strategically and fascinatingly built such that there is a seamless connection between what’s natural and man-made. Hole No. 16, specifically, continues to captivate golf lovers, having been acclaimed as the ultimate one-shotter in existence.

St. Andrews Golf Club

The world’s number three golf course located in St. Andrews Fife, Scotland is the number in Europe, and the oldest in the world. Europe’s quaint setting, which gives off a more relaxed and laidback ambiance so compatible with the nature of this sport, makes this region truly a golfer’s paradise.

The world first experienced golf in Scotland, right here in St. Andrews, as early as the 12th century. It received a royal patronage in 1854. Now, it is considered as the world’s oldest surviving “royal” golf club.

St. Andrews is not really that striking in appearance to new golfers. Its appeal grows as you familiarize yourself with its landscapes, reinforcing the fact that knowledge of course management is a key in golf strategy games.

Augusta National Golf Club

The number four is located in Augusta, Georgia USA. Each of Augusta’s 18 holes has been named after a flower that has come to be associated with it. During grand tournaments, these flowers are in full bloom thereby creating a colorful and festive natural backdrop as you begin those back swings.

But more importantly, Augusta has been characterized with broad fairways, exciting elevation changes, and slick greens that will pose real challenge to skilled golfers.

Shinnecock Hills Golf Club

Golf course number five is located in Southhampton, New York USA. It was originally a 12-hole course remodeled into 18-hole layout in 1895. Its impressive layout features undulating greens and bunkers backdropped with tree canopies, shrubs as well as ponds.

This peek into the world’s best five can be overwhelming. A walk into their greens, a swing into their air, and a golf game follow-through through their fairways, bunkers, and other intriguing nooks and spots will definitely sum up into a par that, in terms of experience, is victory itself.


Great Barrier Reef - Scuba Diving Holiday In Great Barrier Reef

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is regarded as one of the world's most popular scuba diving holiday destination. The Great Barrier Reef is situated off the east coast of Australia and it is the only living organic collective on earth, said to be visible from outer space.

This Australian reef is also regarded as one of the wonders of the world and was declared as a World Heritage since 1981. It is the world's largest coral reef ecosystem and being so huge, scuba divers are offered a large array of magnificent dive sites and bountiful marine life to enjoy.

The Great Barrier is more than 300,000 sq km (115, 831 sq miles) in size and is the home to more than 3000 smaller reefs. Deciding where to scuba dive in this huge diving destination can certainly be a happy problem because of the many astounding choices.

Wreck diving is a favorite scuba diving activity. Amongst the many wrecks are Captain James Cook's ship "Endeavour". Another popular wreck is the HMS Pandora, which sunk in 1791. All in all, there are about 30 shipwreck dive sites for scuba divers to explore.

An amazing 2 million people visit the reef annually spending about a billion US dollars collectively and entrenching tourism as the main pillar of the eastern Australia economy. Since tourism dollar is very important, it is thus vital for the Australian economy to protect the reef from destruction and hence the magnificent reef protected in many ways. As a form of protection, even recreational fishing is restricted to only certain areas and animals such as dolphins, whales, dugongs are protected species.

For the more adventurous divers, there are dives organized to view shark feedings, especially the ferocious man eater, the Great White Shark, which shot to stardom in the movie Jaws and its sequels. Divers are lowered into the clear water in steel cages to view these man eating sharks closed up.

Let us take a look at some of the popular dive locations in Great Barrier Reef :-

Cairns and Port Douglas - This is the area of the reef that is closest to the Queensland coast. It is because of this proximity to tourist centers and accommodations, the area attracts the biggest numbers of divers here than anywhere else in the Great Barrier Reef. There are some good dive spots here for beginners as well as for experienced scuba divers.

Southern Coral Sea - You encounter crystal clear water, steep drop offs, and pelagic fish when diving in The Southern Coral sea. Huge colorful soft corals and gorgonians sea fans are typical features in this dive spot.

The Coral Sea is a "must dive" location for braver scuba divers who get a thrill out of mingling with menacing sharks.

Southern Great Barrier Reef - This area is the largest section of the Great Barrier Reef. However, since it is further away from mainland Australia,it is less accessible and diving done here are usually from liveaboard cruises. The Heron Island and Lady Elliot Island in this part of the Barrier Reef offer the best accessibility.

If you are planning a holiday vacation to Australia, why not make a trip to The Great Barrier Reef and go scuba diving there?

Wetsuits - Jellyfish Protection In The Form Of A Wetsuit

The scuba diving holiday to New Zealand was due to be a one off, once in a lifetime occasion. We had taken scuba diving lessons specifically for this occasion. We had even purchased our own state-of-the-art wetsuits to take with us. You just never know what someone has done in a used wetsuit!

We took a special trip to the diving exhibition in London and crammed ourselves into tiny, makeshift changing rooms. Zipping on the wetsuits brought with it a sense of anticipation for what we would experience once we got to New Zealand.

After purchasing these, we then got a little carried away and collected together all our own equipment including fins, masks, snorkels, regulators and buoyancy control devices (BCD's). After some reigning in of the impulses, we decided it would be best to hire weight belts and tanks once we got out there as the extra weight would not be worth the extra charges in luggage weight.

Having made extra room in our luggage for our wetsuits, they were becoming a bit of a drag to carry around with us. Nicely folded and packed away in a case of their own on the trip was all well and good. But once used, wet, salty and sandy they had to be dried out.

Ok, so we would be using them again but have you ever tried to put on a wet wetsuit? It is impossible - that wetsuit clings to your ankles like barnacles on a boat bottom refusing to go any further. If you do manage to get it all the way up your body, and done up, you have got to the stage where you are so hot and worn out, the last thing you want to do is go diving!

So, there I am, complete with boyfriend and two teenagers, in a camper van. That's four wetsuits hanging around, in theory attempting to dry out but in practice just weighing us down with several extra gallons of water, a rather ripe smell and the knowledge that we have to try and get them back on a few miles down the road.

We made it down to Wellington, at the southern most point of the North Island, with a few days welcome break between dives due to the unpredictable weather. On the fourth day, we wake up to a beautiful sunny morning with calm waters and decide this is the day for the shore dive we have been looking forward to. You don't have to go far from shore to see an old ship wreck and that is what we are aiming for.

The wetsuits were relatively dry this time and we pull them on quite quickly. Swimming into what had been beautifully clear waters we find vision is a little restricted. Not in your normal sense of sand and pollution clogging up the view but a thick pea soup of jellyfish.

There are the beautiful, large, graceful jellyfish with neon colouring lighting them up. Not knowing one type of jellyfish from another, we steer clear of these larger ones who also seem to have the respect and sense to steer clear of us.

There are also the smaller jellyfish, the likes of which I have never even seen in a book. These are the ones that make up the dense pea soup that cannot be avoided but have to be swum through. They seem to be harmless, having found this out by swimming through them before we realised what they were and not the idiotic way of deliberately putting ourselves in the path of something that may be dangerous.

After an hour of this, we are beginning to feel the cold, even though we are wearing 8mm wetsuits. New Zealand may be a hot country but the currents through the passage way between the two islands come from colder waters and are far from tropical.

I signal to my boyfriend that I am going back to shore and he signals back to me. However, I am sure we went to the same dive school but he is making signals that I certainly didn't see demonstrated in class! In fact, the fuss he's making you would think he had been bitten by a shark!

As we reach shore, he pulls off his diving hood, jumping up and down shouting about a jellyfish that stung him on the lip. I can't see a thing but he creates a fuss so I try to sympathise. Apparently, it was one of the tiny jellyfish that had stung him and within an hour his lip had begun to swell dangerously.

I took him to see a local doctor who was amazed that we had been in the sea that day. You see, New Zealand do not have jellyfish, normally. Because of the storms out at sea over the last few days, deep sea jellyfish have been dragged up by the currents and washed inland. And they are all poisonous. Apparently, it is only the fact that we were wearing such thick wetsuits that we avoided being severely stung and very ill.

Maybe I won't mock the boyfriend too much then.

Cigars - Enjoying Cigars - The Quintessential Pleasure

Cigars are just like cigarettes: tobacco products that are smoked by persons in order to inhale the taste and effects of the burnt tobacco. Of course, cigars are slightly different from cigarettes. Usually, cigar smoke is not inhaled as deeply as cigarette smoke, as cigar smoke is usually extremely strong and concentrated and can be quite unpleasant for the inexperienced smoker.

Cigars also have a more celebratory air than cigarettes. Cigars are often purchased and lit up in celebration of special occasions such as the birth of children, or impending weddings. Cigars also have a certain air of sophistication about them, suggesting a refined and high flying lifestyle. On the whole, smoking cigars is usually seen as something men do together to relax.

The origins of cigars

Cigars originated in the cultures around the Caribbean Sea. Although it is not clear when exactly cigars were first invented, it is likely an ancient practice. Archeologist's and historians have found evidence of the production and use of cigars as far back as the 10th century. Cigars were introduced to Europe when Christopher Columbus and his crew came across early derivatives of cigars on their voyages to the Americas.

What are the main parts of cigars?

A cigar has three main layers, all of which come from various parts of the tobacco plant. Most of the cigar is made up of the filler. The filler is the leaves of tobacco that are wrapped up in the middle of the cigar. The filler is the main determiner of the eventual quality of the cigar. The better cigars will include whole leaves from a single tobacco plant as the filler, while cheaper cigars will have filler that is made up of chopped leaves from a variety of tobacco plants. Mixed fillers may also contain stems and other small pieces from the tobacco plant that are not really meant for smoking. The addition of these parts can make cigars burn and smoke less smoothly.

The part of the cigar that houses the filler is the wrapper. The wrapper is made from the largest part of the tobacco plant, and is what gives the cigar its distinctive taste and flavor (along with the filler). The color of the wrapper, which can range from green to a light tan or very dark black, is often used to classify the cigar. The final component of the cigar is the binder, which is the elastic band that holds the other two cigar pieces together.

What shapes do cigars come in?

There are two basic terms to describe the shape of a cigar: figurado and parejo. The most basic and common cigar shape is the parejo cigar. Parejo cigars are usually less expensive than figurado cigars since they are basic and easier to design and create. Parejo cigars feature a rectangular shape with the exception of one end, which is slightly rounded. Parejo cigars can be either panatela cigars, which are often longer and thinner in shape, or coronas, which are somewhat shorter and wider.

Figurado cigars essentially describe all other shapes. In most cases, figurado cigars are more expensive and more desireable than parejo cigars. Although similar to parejo cigars, torpedo cigars are technically figurado cigars as they have a pointed cap instead of one that is rounded. Other common types of figurado cigars include pyramid cigars, which, as their name suggests, gradually narrows to a pointed end, and presidente, which are also similar to parejo cigars in shape but are often much larger. Others include perfecto, Tuscanian and culebras cigars.

How are cigars made?

Like most products these days, machines are used to mass-produce most cigars on the market. High end cigars, however, are still made and rolled by hand. These finely crafted cigars are usually identified by a notation on the outside of the cigar box as being made "totally by hand."

What is so good about Cuban cigars?

Cigars from Cuba (or 'Cubans'), are generally considered to be the world's finest cigars. Indeed, cigars are almost synonymous with Cuba. Cuba produces such great cigars because the weather is ideal for growing tobacco, and the country is filled with fields of prime tobacco in support of a centuries old industry. Cuban cigars may feature tobacco from different parts of Cuba in the wrapper, filler, and binders. Many Cuban cigars are still hand made, which continue to add to their luster and prestige. Some popular Cuban cigar brands include Trinidad, Bolivar, Quintero, Fonseca, Partagas, Cohiba, Punch, Cuaba, and many others.

Of course, no matter how good Cuban cigars are, it is currently against the law in the US to purchase or import cigars from Cuba. The reason for this prohibition is the 1967 trade embargo in response to the rise in power of the Communist Party in Cuba. Of course, while the prohibition has stemmed trade, it has likely in turn made Cubans even more desirable and expensive in the US. Cuban cigars are available through additional means, including "black market" sales, and retailers in Canada.

New Years - Tips When Hosting Your New Years Eve Party

There is nothing quite like the excitement of planning a New Years Eve party. It is surely going to be a memorable event no matter if you are celebrating at party venues in London or in the comfort of your own home. There are a few things to keep in mind when planning your party and if you get a head start on the preparations, then you will save yourself a lot of headaches and stress later down the line.

A New Years Eve party is not complete without a guest list. Keep in mind that many people make their plans for this special occasion several weeks or even months in advance. The city venues on this special day play an important factor as well.

Some cities have very elaborate fireworks displays and New Years Eve hotel deals that require people to register very early. When planning a party in the comfort of your home, you will want to send out the invitations, at a minimum, the first week of December.

Yes, this is a time of year when most people are sending out greeting cards, but you want to plan your guest list early. Always include an RSVP card and follow up with phone calls and emails to confirm attendance.

The next step to planning your New Years Eve party is deciding on if you will have a theme. Some people enjoy having theme or masquerade parties. It adds a festive quality to the special event of ringing in a brand new year. Besides the idea of a theme party, you will also need to determine if you will be serving alcohol.

If there is alcohol served, then you want to either arrange for guests to stay the night or arrange for taxi service. The most important factor is never allowing a person to drive when they have consumed an alcoholic beverage. This should be a time for festivities, not tragedies.

Keep the menu simple. Everyone should have fun and this includes you. Finger foods are an excellent way to allow guests to mingle and have scrumptious appetizers that do not require sitting down to eat.

Most parties include alcohol, but you also want to provide plenty of non-alcoholic drinks for those who are designated drivers or do not believe in imbibing. Travel New Years Eve is about arriving safe and sound, so once again, make sure there are designated drivers or sleeping arrangements for people who will be staying with you. This factor cannot be reiterated enough.

2007 New Years Eve is a big event. The New Year's ball in Times Square will be making its drop. It is a brand new ball that will slowly show the world that New York has jumped into the New Year. Others will follow and even within your home New Years Eve party, merrymaking will be occurring as people blow their horns, twirl their tassels and get ready to greet the New Year.


Summer Golf In The Muskoka's 2010

Summer is not yet officially here. Heck - it hasn't been consistently warm for more than a few days at a time since we opened. But the ice is off the lakes up North, and the golf courses are open. One of our fovorite courses in Muskoka is the Muskoka Highland Golf Links. It plays like its name - a links-style course that runs with the land. No big contrived carriers or hugh obstructions. You can see your ball land on most of their holes. But you have to keep it out of the fescu - as it is tougher than trees when you hit it in there. You get lots of help from the prevailing winds - which switch direction frequently. We know there are players who can hit a 7 iron on the 10th hole one day, and have to hit a 3 wood the next day when the winds changed and became more intense.

We know that many of you will head up North at some point this summer to enjoy time away in Cottage Country. We have all heard about the G8 and the G20 - and the improvements that are being made locally in Muskoka. It might be time to put some truth to the rumours and head up to Muskoka and take a look for yourself. Don Mackay at Muskoka Highlands assures us they have not made many changes to the course - Mother Nature changes how it plays everyday. He assures me that their greens are some of the best in the region. The tee decks are always maintained. And the fairways - well, we know Don is a Scot at heart - and he is adamant that he does not water the fairways. Mother Nature does it - or they go dormant. In his words "Water - you can either walk on it ore drink it. If we use water to keep the fairways totally lush and soft, then there will be less water for our children and grandchildren to drink." So the fairways are truly Scottish - changing with the weather patterns.

Enough of the swashbuckling though. We would highly recommend you try Muskoka Highlands Golf Links when you are in the North - it will be a great day for you and your friends. And be sure to tell Don that we sent you!!

The True Rules Of Golf - Part 1 of 4
The game of golf is 90% mental and 10% mental.
If you want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.
Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three.
When you look up and cause an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball if you ever want to see it again.
Any change works for a maximum of three holes and a minimum of not at all.
No matter how bad you are playing, it is always possible to play worse
Never keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.
When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one
more club or two more balls.
The True Rules Of Golf - Part 2 of 4
Golfers who claim they don't cheat, also lie.
If you're afraid a full shot might reach the green while the foursome ahead of you is still putting out, you have two options: you can immediately shank a lay-up, or you can wait until the green is clear and top a ball halfway there.
The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.
The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motion that allowed you to compensate for all your errors.
If it ain't broke, try changing your grip.
It's not a gimme if you're still away.
Everyone replaces his divot after a perfect approach shot.
A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponent's luck.
It's surprisingly easy to hole a 50-foot putt when you lie 10.
Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.