
Summer Golf In The Muskoka's 2010

Summer is not yet officially here. Heck - it hasn't been consistently warm for more than a few days at a time since we opened. But the ice is off the lakes up North, and the golf courses are open. One of our fovorite courses in Muskoka is the Muskoka Highland Golf Links. It plays like its name - a links-style course that runs with the land. No big contrived carriers or hugh obstructions. You can see your ball land on most of their holes. But you have to keep it out of the fescu - as it is tougher than trees when you hit it in there. You get lots of help from the prevailing winds - which switch direction frequently. We know there are players who can hit a 7 iron on the 10th hole one day, and have to hit a 3 wood the next day when the winds changed and became more intense.

We know that many of you will head up North at some point this summer to enjoy time away in Cottage Country. We have all heard about the G8 and the G20 - and the improvements that are being made locally in Muskoka. It might be time to put some truth to the rumours and head up to Muskoka and take a look for yourself. Don Mackay at Muskoka Highlands assures us they have not made many changes to the course - Mother Nature changes how it plays everyday. He assures me that their greens are some of the best in the region. The tee decks are always maintained. And the fairways - well, we know Don is a Scot at heart - and he is adamant that he does not water the fairways. Mother Nature does it - or they go dormant. In his words "Water - you can either walk on it ore drink it. If we use water to keep the fairways totally lush and soft, then there will be less water for our children and grandchildren to drink." So the fairways are truly Scottish - changing with the weather patterns.

Enough of the swashbuckling though. We would highly recommend you try Muskoka Highlands Golf Links when you are in the North - it will be a great day for you and your friends. And be sure to tell Don that we sent you!!

The True Rules Of Golf - Part 1 of 4
The game of golf is 90% mental and 10% mental.
If you want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.
Since bad shots come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three.
When you look up and cause an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball if you ever want to see it again.
Any change works for a maximum of three holes and a minimum of not at all.
No matter how bad you are playing, it is always possible to play worse
Never keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.
When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one
more club or two more balls.
The True Rules Of Golf - Part 2 of 4
Golfers who claim they don't cheat, also lie.
If you're afraid a full shot might reach the green while the foursome ahead of you is still putting out, you have two options: you can immediately shank a lay-up, or you can wait until the green is clear and top a ball halfway there.
The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.
The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motion that allowed you to compensate for all your errors.
If it ain't broke, try changing your grip.
It's not a gimme if you're still away.
Everyone replaces his divot after a perfect approach shot.
A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponent's luck.
It's surprisingly easy to hole a 50-foot putt when you lie 10.
Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.

