
Golf Swing Cause And Effect

I came across some interesting research in a book by Daniel Kahneman entitled "Thinking, Fast and Slow" that relates to how we frequently assume incorrect causes for certain outcomes.

In terms of golf, the example provided related to the commentary often heard on the final day of a tournament when the original leader fails to keep ahead.  Most often what we hear said is that the golfer in question is basically failing to deal with the pressure of being in the lead or crumbling under the pressure or some such thing to that effect.  This is an assumption that is often made in these circumstances.

This is however only a possible cause but not in reality the most probable one.  When you think about it, almost every golfer in a high level tournament has the ability to shoot a few shots below par.  We also know that a little luck is involved when you chip in or sink a 30 feet putt or such like.  Golf is a game of both skill and luck.  We also know that luck does not usually bestow itself on just one person all of the time.  Luck shares itself around.

If you have played good golf and had a fair amount of luck, or an unusual amount of luck, for two or three days, the chances are that your run of luck will not keep going.  The law of averages needs to be applied to the matter of luck.  It would be statistically highly improbable for one golfer to receive an unusual amount of luck on four consecutive days.  Thus the reason for the leader falling behind on that last day is far more likely to be related to this factor than that of nerves or anxiety, although those are likely to play some part as well.  This however is rarely if ever alluded to in golf commentary.

There are in fact many incorrect assumptions and judgments made in golf.  You hear many "stock phrases" bandied around upon the course.  "I lifted my head", "I've lost my swing" are probably the most popular of these.

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When one questions whether the act of lifting your head was the real and actual cause of an erratic stroke you may in fact find other elements are more probable candidates of causality.  Now as to the "I've lost my swing" comment, that assumption is rather global do you not think?  It is such a maligned thought!  You might have lost your natural rhythm or tempo, not paid due attention to alignment, lost your focus, or a whole host of other things, but swings quite simply do not get lost!

The reason I am bring up this subject is that if you ascribe an incorrect cause to an outcome you will not be able to fix it.  Until you appreciate the real cause of an outcome you will not be in a position to make relevant changes and improvements.  You only learn when you understand cause and effect in the golf swing.

One huge element in the golf swing that many people totally overlook is the mental impact upon ones swing.  Everything you do in life starts with a thought.  The golf swing is not an exception to this rule.  Thus if you are not focused upon the things that matter in your swing and in your chosen shot you have no control over the outcome.  The golf ball in this sense does exactly what it is told.  If you swing with unclear intent then your golf ball will respond in an equally erratic manner.

There are many mental elements that a golfer needs to attend to and master.  Few golfers really think about this aspect.  Those who do so tend to be the ones who have a lower handicap and win more tournaments.

Golf hypnosis can provide a quicker and easier way to train yourself in the mental aspects of this wonderful game.  Hypnosis provides access to your subconscious mind.  This is the part of your mind that acts automatically and instinctively and this is why hypnosis will help ingrain mental habits more expediently and reliably.

